1 block tofu
1/4 lb shrimp
1/4 lb ground pork
3 - 4 shitake mushroom - soak and chop fine
2 stalks spring onions - chop fine
1 small carrot, chop fine
2 eggs
1 T. cornstarch
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1 tsp sesame oil
1 tbsp soya sauce
1 cup stock
1 tbsp cornstarch paste mix with 1 tbsp water
salt to taste
1. Drain the tofu and mash it up in a bowl.
2. Wash and peel the shrimp, then throw it in a food processor. Chop it up until you’ve got a sort of pasty consistency. Add the shrimp to the tofu and the rest of the ingredients. Mix well to combine.
3. Grease several chinese soup spoons and fill them with the tofu mixture.
4. Steam the tofu mixture until cooked. Let cool before removing from spoons and place on a platter.
5. Heat stock and soya sauce and when it comes to the boil, add the cornstarch solution and cook until it is cooked through. Adjust taste with salt
6. Pour over steamed tofu and serve hot.
They certainly are beautiful to look at.
try making them, they tasted better than they look
It's a yummy and healthy dish, pretty easy to make too. I steam tofu mixture with rice cooker while cooking rice and skip the sauce, good enough though. Thanks for sharing, aunt Lily ^_^
I love tofu and this recipe is delicioso. Lily you are my SeeFu. I am so glad that you are a great cook otherwise I will be at a loss for recipes. My cousin loves your blog too.
Greetings from my cousin Robert in Australia
i just dropped him a line and wish him well.
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