I have all sorts of sauces in my fridge, some are store-bought like oyster sauce and hoisin sauce as they are not worth making them at home. I did attempt making oyster sauce from fresh oysters and they turned out to be too stinky/fishy. But i like to homemake other sauces like sambal , xo sauce and black bean sauce. These sauces come in very handy and any dish can be prepared with them in a very short period of time. I ran out of black bean sauce yesterday and had to make it from scratch but i will make a batch soon and take some pictures to share.
Steamed Pork Ribs is a favorite to many who go for 'yum cha' - Dim Sum but, i do not like to order this dish cos most of the time, the ribs are too boney and fatty but homemade is so much better cos you can choose the best, meaty soft bones available - bones with cartilage is preferred to ribs with hard bones. For additional or variations - Goji berries(kei ji), Chinese black olives(lam gok), chillies , salty plums or tomatoes can be used.
1/2 lb soft bone pork ribs - cut into bite-size
1 tbsp black bean - wash and lightly smashed
2 cloves garlic - minced
1 tbsp minced ginger
A pinch of cornstarch/tapioca starch
1 tbsp light soya sauce
1/2 tsp sugar
1/4 tsp white pepper
1 tbsp Shaoxing wine
1 tbsp sesame oil
Marinate pork ribs with salted black beans, garlic, ginger and seasonings. Leave for at least 10 minutes.
Add in cornstarch/tapioca starch to bind lightly.(A
pinch will do cos pork ribs should be fairly moist with sauce after steaming and too much cornstarch/tapioca tends to dry up the dish)
Leave this aside while you cook rice in the rice cooker. Watch out for the rice to loose the big bubbles and just before it finishes cooking and turn to 'warm' function, put in the prepared pork ribs to steam. Alternatively steam prepared pork ribs over rapidly boiling water for 7 - 8 minutes.
Sprinkle with sesame oil before serving hot.
Thanks for sharing your true and tried recipe. I usually grab a plate of this dish from the dimsum cart. Like it a lot with steamed rice. Off topic can you tell please where I can get ovalette here in the U.S. Thank you very much.
Hi Lily, this is one of my favorite dishes. My mom used to cook this for us when we were young. I wonder if I could use regular white wine instead of Shaoxing wine. Thanks!
any wine will do. adding wine is to rid of porky smell. omit if you do not have any wine.
i don't really know where to get ovalette in U.S. and i hope readers in this thread can help.
if you cannot get it, then i would have to send you some.
Do you have a picture of the ovallete?
Hi Ube & Lily,
I'm not from the states so I don't have the problem of finding ovalette or cake emulsifier.
Is it possible that this chemical is packaged with a different name in the states? Maybe you can start by searching for cake emulsifier, which is a more common name.
Hope it helps.
Redyoyo (Malaysia)
here are images of ovalette http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&rlz=1T4TSHB_enUS318US318&um=1&q=ovalette&sa=N&start=40&ndsp=20
I went to a couple of grocery stores here in California but nobody knows what Ovalette was. Then, I asked the chefs of Lee Kum Kee (I used to work there), they said they are 99.9% sure that this ingredient is not available in the state, but very common ingredient in M'sia and S'pore.
Thank you so much for your generosity Lily - no need to send me ovalette. Your offer and sharing of your tried and tested recipes are greatly appreciated and value them a lot. I thought maybe there is a source here since my internet search failed. Redyoyo, thank you much also for your thought and input in searching the equivalent of ovalette here which is a very good lead. I have a coworker who is from Singapore and will come home to visit shortly and promised me to bring me some ovalette on her way back here.
Hi Lily, this looks yummy, thanks.
Was wondering about something though - in the last picture, it looks like the bowl is actually sitting on top of the rice in the rice cooker.
Is there a rack underneath that's not seen in the picture?
l like to steam fish or meat dishes on top of my rice. just leave the plate on the rice just before the rice cooker function turns to warm after cooking.
lovely recipe, very nutritious too, go job, i love it,
cheers from london,
thanks, Lily!
my rice cooker's insert is non stick, and I was thinking if I tried that, the weight of the bowl would cause it to sink down and touch the bottom of the insert, and perhaps damaging it
surprising the cooked rice is quite sturdy and the plate of ribs will not sink to the bottom of rice.
those look great !
Steamed Pork Ribs makes me hungry, One of my alltime favorite and i always order this recipe everytime I dine in on Dimsum House on Philippines...
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