
Friday, June 19, 2009

Ban Jian Kuih III

My friends did not like Ban Jian Kuih II as they said that it tasted too much of alkali. So, have to search and tweak again. I came to realised that there is an Indonesian Cake called 'Terang Bulan' which is quite similar, only the filling is different. So, here i go again, making it this time with an egg and less alkali solution. It turned out pretty good for now, cos i am still trying to figure how to make it more chewy.


1 Egg
225 ml water
1 1/3 cup all purpose flour
2 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp milk powder
1/2 salt
2 tbsp vegetable oil
1/2 tsps baking soda

Filling: Peanut , Sesame seeds, sugar, butter/margarine.


Whisk the eggs, pour the water and keep stirring until it makes bubble.

Fold in flour, sugar, milk powder and salt until the ingredients are combined.- Stir in vegetable oil.
Leave to rest for 1/2 - 1 hr.
Heat fry pan on medium heat.
Add in baking soda and whisk well to combine.

Pour batter into fry pan which has already been warmed.
Using the base of the ladle to swirl the batter in a circular motion so that the sides of fry pan has a thin coating of batter. (This thin coating will be crispy when Ban Jian Kuih is ready).
Cover the fry-pan with a fitting lid.
Cook it until the surface has pores.
Dust it with sugar , peanuts and sesame seeds.
Cover the pan again until well done.
Lastly drop some butter or margarine.
Fold in half and remove to cake rack to cool before slicing and serve.



  1. Lily, What does the alkali water actually do? I have seen it being used mostly in Asian snacks and sweets.

  2. Hi Lily, Indonesian has similar cake like this, we called Martabak manis, here is the recipe you can try from

    MARTABAK MANIS (oleh Bogasari )
    Jajan Pasar

    Bahan dan Bumbu :
    Bahan A:
    350 gr tepung terigu Segitiga Biru
    80 gr gula pasir
    5 gr yeast
    3 gr garam
    1 gr vanilli
    400 gr air
    100 gr telur ayam

    Bahan B:
    2 gr soda kue

    Bahan C:
    Coklat mesyes
    Kacang tanah sangrai
    Wijen sangrai
    Susu kental manis
    Keju parut

    Cara Memasak :
    - Semua bahan A diaduk sampai rata. Diamkan selama 30 menit.
    -Tambahkan soda kue waktu akan dibakar
    - Aduk sampai tercampur rata
    - Tuang pada cetakan martabak yang telah dipanasi.
    - Bakar sampai permukaannya berpori-pori
    - Taburi dengan sedikit gula pasir
    - Tutup cetakan dan bakar sampai matang
    - Setelah matang angkat dari cetakan
    - Olesi permukaannya dengan mentega
    - Taburi coklat mesyes, kacang tanah, wijen, dan keju
    - Beri susu kental manis
    - Lipat dua menjadi setengah lingkaran
    - Atasnya poles lagi dengan mentega
    - Potong-potong dan sajikan

    Good luck!!!

  3. lily anette

    there is a good explaination of alkali in baking at this link

  4. anonymous

    thank you for the recipe.

  5. Hi Lily! I wonder how much alkali should I use in order not to taste nor have the smell of it when it is still hot.

  6. shirley

    this recipe has the least alkali/baking soda. you should try it for yourself to see if you like it/

  7. Lily, I'm excited to try this recipe out since I'm not a big fan of alkali. thanks for sharing!

  8. Great work Lily! I tried this with sweetcorn and butter AND it was just fab! But I put 200 ml of water and 25 to 30 ml of milk instead of just water and milk powder so the batter was a bit more "milky".

  9. had tried this, and absolutely love it... love the soft creamy texture...

  10. Hi Lily, I really admire you and all the yummy food that you make!
    Thanks for the inspiration.

  11. hi aunty lily,
    wondering why is baking soda used instead of baking powder?

    thanks t

  12. anonymous

    the batter needs a rest of 30 - 60 minutes rest, so baking soda is a better choice of leavening and besides that it is more potent. double action baking powder can be sub but not single action baking powder
